Preparing for Performance Reviews in the New Year

Let’s be honest. Both managers and employees dread the performance review process. However, performance reviews don’t have to be a source of stress. Preparing in advance helps everyone feel more comfortable and makes the process more effective when the new year arrives.

Why Performance Reviews Matter

According to the Society for Human Resource Management, the performance review should be a means of discussing, planning and reviewing the performance of each employee. Regular reviews:

  • Help employees define and understand what is expected of them.
  • Provide consistent criteria for evaluating performance.
  • Provide ways employees can improve performance.
  • Identify high-potential employees who can advance in the organization.
  • Ensure everyone understands their goals.
  • Provide a basis for merit-based compensation raises.

Employees who have poor experiences with reviews or are subject to disorganized review processes will leave their meetings feeling dissatisfied with their employer. Performance reviews are not just about performance alone, they can also play a big role in your ability to retain great people.

How to Prepare for Performance Reviews

Putting in advanced preparation now ensures performance reviews will be beneficial to both managers and their team members. Use these strategies now to prepare for the new year:

  • Prepare talking points: Managers who “wing it” do to their employees a disservice. Sit down and prepare all of the points that should be discussed with each team member.
  • Compare performance to goals: Review each employee’s defined goals and determine how well they have progressed.
  • Develop a self-assessment: Prepare a self-assessment questionnaire for employees and give them plenty of time to work on it before their review.
  • Prepare specific examples: When discussing both good performance and performance that needs to be improved, be prepared with specific examples using real projects or tasks.
  • Don’t criticize people personally: Always focus on performance and behavior.
  • Be upfront: Honesty is the best policy. Don’t sugarcoat or dance around areas that need improvement.
  • Start with the negative: Always discuss areas that need improvement first, and end with positive feedback so the employee won’t leave with a sour taste in their mouth.
  • Always include positive: Even if an employee is struggling, make sure to include positive information in the review.
  • Be ready to coach: Part of a manager’s job is coaching people through rough patches. Let employees know how you will support them as they strive to improve.
  • Focus on conversation: Performance reviews should be two-way conversations, not a lecture. Ask questions and allow employees to respond and ask their own clarifying questions.
  • Set new goals: Make sure you have every employee’s goals defined before the review. Go over those goals and develop a plan to help the employee achieve them.

If you are looking for more strategies on hiring, managing and retaining great people, contact the agricultural industry staffing experts at Morris Bixby Group. We can help you achieve your strategic recruiting goals.


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