Recruiting to Onboarding: How to Maximize the Transition


The first few weeks after bringing aboard a new hire are the most challenging. You need to help your employee adjust to their team and get comfortable in their role. Because this can be overwhelming for them, you need to make the transition as smooth as possible. The better your new hire can adapt, the sooner they can begin producing.

Implement these tips to facilitate a smooth transition between hiring and onboarding your new team member.

Organize the Paperwork

Email your new hire the employment documents well before they begin work. This may include tax forms and nondisclosure agreements. Your employee can electronically fill out the paperwork and send it back. Also, be sure to request any personal documents needed to verify the ability to work for you. This may involve a passport or proof of residence. Your new team member will have more time to focus on learning their job duties when they arrive at the office.

Develop a Schedule

Write down a plan for your new hire’s first few weeks. For instance, include activities for them to complete and meetings to sit in on. Also, schedule time to meet with your employee at the end of each day. Talk about what they worked on, what they have questions on, and whether any issues came up. Additionally, find out how your new team member feels about their progress. Address any concerns as they arise.

Use Technology and Team Members

Pair technology with human interactions to facilitate the onboarding process. For instance, use an interactive online version of the employee handbook to familiarize your new hire with company information and policies. This may involve an app or website, imagery, and quizzes to maintain engagement. Also, provide different forms of training to help your team member learn what is needed to be successful in their role. This may include reviewing online videos, job shadowing, or having a colleague to go to for questions or guidance. Be sure you regularly check in to see how your new team member is progressing and provide support. Ask for feedback from the employees interacting with them to see how you can provide additional assistance.

Maintain Regular Check-Ins

Show ongoing support for your new employee by regularly following up on their progress during the first year. Be sure to give and receive feedback during your discussions. The more you openly communicate, the better your new hire should feel about their performance.

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