Every leader wants their team to be more productive, but simply demanding higher output and greater focus won’t get you very far. To get a handle on how your team should spend their time in order to achieve more, you must outline specific goals. Goals allow you to decide what “productivity” really looks like and… Read more »
Fostering Team Competition
There is always a bit of natural competition that exists among a sales team. Good salespeople push themselves and thrive on surpassing their goals. However, it’s important to foster healthy competition that generates productivity and camaraderie, as opposed to unhealthy competition that ultimately damages team relationships. Keep these tips in mind to foster the right… Read more »
Spot the Signs of a Bad Hire
Filling an open role on your team is always a relief. There is a great deal of excitement that follows making a new hire. Unfortunately, not every new hire lives up to expectations. Keep an eye out for these signs you may have made a bad hire. Warning Signs of a Bad Hire Here are… Read more »
How Can You Turn Employees Into Rock-Star Talent?
A team of average players can achieve its goals. But only a team of rock stars can consistently knock it out of the park. If you’ve got a team of average players, or if high-performers seem to be slipping, there are ways that you, as a leader, can work to turn them into rock stars.… Read more »