Interviewing for a Cultural Fit

Hiring the right person for a role requires more than simply matching skills to the job. In order for employees to succeed and do their best work, they need to be aligned with the culture of the company. Use these strategies to determine whether a candidate is truly a cultural match for your organization. Values… Read more »

Instilling Confidence in Your Team

You can assemble a highly skilled team of people, but skills alone will not guarantee success on the job. In order to be successful, people must feel confident in their abilities. Even a little bit of self-doubt can lead to poor performance. Confident employees are productive and are more like to engage in creative problem-solving… Read more »

Helping Your Burned-Out Employees After the Holidays

The holidays are hectic, and many employees struggle with work-life balance as they struggle to meet both family obligations and professional obligations.  Unlike most other types of vacations, employees often do not return from the holidays refreshed – they return just as stressed. Here are some tips to help your burned-out employees get motivated after… Read more »

How To Motivate A Bored Team

In most cases, employees will not come to you and tell you when they are feeling bored and unmotivated at work. Rather than sounding negative or coming across as lazy, good employees who feel uninspired will press on until it becomes too much to bear, at which time they will begin looking for a new… Read more »

Overcoming a Tight Candidate Market

The overall unemployment rate in the US is around four percent, but when you isolate professional labor, unemployment is actually two percent for skilled talent. Finding impactful sales and marketing professionals for ag businesses in today’s market can feel impossible, but companies cannot afford to leave critical roles unfilled. Use these strategies to overcome the… Read more »

Top 3 Traits of a Successful Marketing Candidate

When interviewing marketing candidates, you will have a list of skills, experience and requirements that candidates must meet in order to be considered. But what about character and personality traits required for success? Those may differ based on your organizational culture, but every marketer should exhibit three important traits, no matter what the job function… Read more »

Tips for Implementing a Successful Feedback System

If your team is functioning well and achieving its goals, you may wonder why it would be important to implement a feedback system in the workplace. The truth is, lack of feedback causes employees to self-regulate. Without direction, they may focus energy on the wrong things, or they may even begin to slack off since… Read more »

How to Boost Your Relationship With Your Professional Search Partner

An ag recruiting partner can be an invaluable resource for your business, helping you control costs, improve the quality of hires and ultimately, boost productivity and positive outcomes. However, in order to deliver on those promises, your search partner must get to know as much as they can about your unique business, its culture and… Read more »

How to Focus on the Positive to Be Successful

In any workplace, negative attitudes can spread like wildfire. Once complaining starts, it can seem impossible to reel everyone back in and get them into a positive frame of mind. However, employees who have a positive attitude are more confident in their abilities and are more productive. If you’re ready to nip negativity in the… Read more »

How to Write a Resume to Highlight Temporary Experience

If you’ve worked as a remote project manager, consultant or short-term subject matter expert, you’ve probably faced a classic conundrum. How do you organize your resume to keep it concise while ensuring hiring managers understand your experience? Use these strategies to write a resume that highlights your expertise and experience without extending into a novel-sized… Read more »