How Improving Company Culture Leads to Better Candidates

Your company culture impacts the way business is conducted. This affects management, leadership, communications, workplace practices, the work environment, and other characteristics. Having an attractive company culture helps you find and keep quality candidates. Your organization’s mission, vision, and values show how your business differs from the competition. This encourages candidates to apply to your… Read more »

What Does Your Candidate Experience Look Like?

Knowing What to Pay Employees Is Key in Today's Climate Morris Bixby

  Your candidate experience is the series of interactions a job seeker has with your company throughout your hiring process. These interactions include all communication that a candidate receives from your brand messaging, software systems, or employees. You want each of these interactions to be as positive as possible so that the candidates want to… Read more »

Should I Hire Someone Who Isn’t Qualified Enough?

Whether there is an excess of talent in the market or there is not enough to go around, there will always be hiring challenges in the agriculture sector.  Often, hiring managers find themselves wondering if they should hire someone who would be a good fit, but is a bit underqualified for the role. The answer will be unique… Read more »