Purpose matters. It used to be that a regular paycheck was enough job satisfaction for most people. But times have changed, and employees’ expectations have changed along with them. Employees are investing more of themselves in their jobs than ever before, and they are expecting more from their employers in return.
To Live and Work With Purpose
By nature, human beings are purposeful creatures; we are constantly moving towards something. It may be as straightforward as navigating a difficult situation or learning a new language, or as involved as attempting to unravel the mysteries of the galaxies above us. Purpose moves us forward. Without a defined, individual sense of purpose depression creeps in, and we become less motivated. When someone is contributing to something bigger than themselves, they tend to tolerate stress easier while maintaining a generally healthier outlook. The same thing happens when employees feel connected to their work.
Without Purpose
A life without purpose is a life without passion. If an employee feels that their role has little or no use within the organization, they will ultimately become unsatisfied in that role. That translates into very real habits and behaviors that affect work performance. Employees no longer perform at a top level, and the business suffers.
Does Your Organization Have a Purpose?
Certain groups, like those in the healthcare industry, for example, have an easily identifiable purpose. Other organizations may find it difficult to cultivate clearly defined company-wide values or mission statements. If you find it difficult to articulate yours, imagine the challenges your employees are facing in their efforts to align themselves with your company.
Create Purpose
Once your company has outlined its values and crafted its vision statement, it’s important to communicate them regularly. Reward behavior consistent with your newly defined values for extra emphasis.
Help your employees align their individual performance goals with departmental or company-wide goals. Showing staff how everything is connected helps increase an employee’s personal sense of connection to the organization.
Another way to help staff is to encourage their participation in the creation of the company’s mandate.
More Than Just Money
Defining a connection to the company beyond financial gain is crucial. Money alone can attract talented professionals, but it is unlikely to retain them for long stretches of time. Millennials are especially susceptible to a just-for-money experience, expressing a strong preference for opportunities that allow them to contribute to society on a more practical level.
Any organization can redefine their purpose, regardless of size or structure, bringing out the best in their employees. So if you’re experiencing difficulty defining a broad company strategy, or need advice on how to encourage employees to find purpose in their jobs, let the experienced team at Morris Bixby help you out.
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