6 Ways to Improve Your Team’s Daily Productivity

Productivity isn’t something that just happens.

Did you know that every time you check your social media accounts or email for an update, studies show that you actually lose 23 minutes? That’s how long it takes your mind to refocus and get back to the task you were tackling, before the distraction.

Let’s look at six ways you can reduce workplace distractions and increase your team’s daily productivity.

Manage Technology Interruptions

Turn off email, text and website push notifications. Don’t read them when they arrive; instead, set aside specific times to review your email and text messages. Three times a day is ideal: mid-morning, following lunch, and half an hour before leaving work for the day. And barring emergencies make personal calls or run personal errands during your lunch break.

Declutter Your Work Space

A cluttered desk fosters a distracted mind because there will always be some detail or tidbit to snag your attention when you glance up from the task at hand. Try keeping only items related to your current project on your desk. The old saying, “Out of sight, is out of mind” can help you focus.

Tell Your Colleagues

If you’re going to implement a change that will impact how others regularly interact with you, let them know the reason behind your isolation. Advising co-workers of your need to work alone for the first hour each morning will be met with acceptance if they understand that it’s to plan your daily activities. And you might have the added effect of spurring on others to follow your lead.

40 Winks

Your body can’t adequately function if it’s sleep deprived. Too often during times of increased demand, we push ourselves to perform more, or for a longer duration. And while you may see an increase in productivity in the short term, it won’t take long for that lack of sleep to affect your work performance. Extended bouts of sleeplessness are linked to increased workplace distraction and a decreased ability to focus.

Reflect and Refocus

Before you leave work, take a few moments to reflect on your day. What was successful? What wasn’t? What do you hope to achieve tomorrow? Write out any priorities, including primary goals, and leave them on your desk. By reviewing your notes first thing tomorrow morning, you’ll refocus yourself on the day ahead.

Zen and the Art of Workplace Productivity

Zen masters devote a great deal of effort learning how to do one thing at a time. When sitting, they just sit. When eating, they just eat. And we can learn a lot from Zen masters when it comes to increasing our productivity. Despite what you may think, multitasking actually decreases efficiency by nearly 40 percent. You can increase productivity by concentrating on one task at a time. When writing an email, just write an email. You’ll finish faster, with fewer mistakes.

Do you need to boost your team’s productivity? Talk to the specialized staffing consultants at Morris Bixby about ways you can eliminate workplace distractions today.


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