If you’re current looking for work, a project assignment might not be your first choice. But did you know you can often turn a short-term assignment into a full-time opportunity?
Graduating from an assignment to a full-time opportunity isn’t always as difficult as it might seem at first glance. By taking these few steps, you can stand out as an attractive candidate for a full-time opportunity.
Take the Initiative
Sometimes when you’re on a project assignment, you complete your assigned tasks sooner than anticipated, leaving you with valuable ‘free’ time. This is an ideal opportunity to take the initiative and volunteer to help others who might find themselves struggling under current workloads. Additionally, you get to learn about another aspect of the project and the company, and sometimes even pick up new skills. But perhaps the most important thing is what it says to your supervisors. Your actions tell them you’re a team player, interested in moving the project forward. And that’s someone employers want to work with in the long term.
Don’t Forget the Little Things
You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘little things mean a lot.’ It’s true when you’re talking about project assignments, too. The ‘little things,’ such as always being on time, dressing appropriately for your work environment, maintaining a positive attitude and being fully present in every task you undertake demonstrate professionalism. Those ‘little things’ can make a very big impression on a project manager or employer.
Be Flexible When Seeking an Opportunity
While you might have joined a company for a short-term assignment, you likely have in-demand skills in other areas. You’ll benefit from considering other full-time openings that can lead to your dream job. And you never know, you might find yourself in a full-time position doing something you never imagined and loving every moment of it.
Express Interest
It may seem obvious, but sometimes you can be so focused on doing a great job on the assignment, impressing your managers and team leaders, you forget to express interest in a full-time opportunity. Get in touch with your recruiter and communicate your desire to remain with the company after this assignment. Consider asking your manager or team leader for feedback, as well as any suggestions they may have on how you can increase your value.
If you’re interested in learning out more about project or other short-term assignments, reach out to Magnify Resources to find out more about current project openings.