Successful marketing takes more than just reading the latest how-to book. Being an effective marketer requires industry skill and awareness. But the best marketing talent will also bring leadership traits to the table, regardless of whether they’re seasoned professionals or just starting out. Powerful leaders bring out the best in their team and are vital to the success of your company. But what makes a powerful leader?
Here are the top five leadership traits to look for when hiring marketing talent, at any level.
Communication is critical to business success. And leaders communicate their ideas effectively, ensuring that everyone has a clear understanding of what they’re trying to say. If your marketer can’t express their own ideas, they’ll struggle to communicate your company’s brand and message. Strong communicators can deliver a diverse range of messages connecting with everyone from peers, to superiors, to clients.
Nothing stays the same forever, and an effective marketer must have vision. Look for marketing employees that have ideas about growth or improvement. Have a candidate with ideas about how to improve a former employer’s business by implementing new ideas or adopting new technologies? You’ve found a leader in the making.
Born leaders are naturally empathetic. They can put themselves in the shoes of customer and client alike, and accurately assess the impact of your product or service from that point of view. Being capable of empathizing with clients is critical to long-term company success.
Leaders Are Always Learning
Leaders understand the market is constantly changing, and that means they must always be learning. Marketers who are interested and eager to acquire knowledge will stand out as leaders among their peers. By furthering their education, they’re keeping their skill level competitive and staying up-to-date with new technology and business best practices.
Decision-Making Skills Are Important Leadership Traits
We all make a hundred little decisions every day, ranging from what to wear to what groceries to purchase. But leaders go further making decisions that not only impact their immediate lives but the lives of those around them. And leaders tend to make those decisions swiftly. They are focused on forward momentum. You can’t move forward if you’re stuck on a question. So even if the decision they make isn’t always the ‘right’ choice, a leader will find critical information that turns a perceived loss into a long-term win.
Marketers can make or break your business. When it comes to finding top marketing talent with the leadership traits that will help grow your business, let the marketing specialists at Morris Bixby put their expertise to work for you.