Is Perfectionism Harming Your Hiring Process?

Are you overlooking candidates with great potential because you keep looking for the perfect fit? Perfectionism could be harming your hiring process.

Your company is growing, and you have to make a hire. You want the perfect candidate. There’s just one problem – perfectionism doesn’t exist; there’s no such thing as a perfect candidate.

And what’s worse, by trying to find someone perfect you’ll likely be overlooking strong candidates with the potential to grow into ideal employees. ‘Imperfections’ are not always weaknesses. They can often be leveraged into unforeseen advantages.

If you’re in the market for a new hire, take steps to ensure you’re getting the most out of your hiring process and bring in the best person.

Training Can Be More Beneficial Than Striving for Perfectionism

If you find a strong candidate among your applicants, but they don’t have the desired software or hardware training program, your first instinct might be to put their resume in the ‘pass’ pile. But before you do, consider the applicant’s other assets. Often, the investment of a little time to learn a new software program or how to handle a particular piece of equipment is negligible when you weigh it against their potential for overall productivity.

Industry Experience

Many candidates thrive in one particular industry, sticking with it for the duration of their entire career. It can take others a little longer to find their ideal atmosphere, and that can mean good things for your company. If you have a candidate, who possesses strong skills just outside your industry consider whether certain core competencies can be extrapolated and applied to your business model.

Hire for Tomorrow

The perfect person you’re looking for is really only ideal today. As your business grows their role will grow – but will they be able to grow along with it? Look at applications with an eye for the future and how your current vacancy can evolve. You might surprise yourself by finding the ideal future candidate you didn’t expect to find.

Partner With a Specialized Recruitment Agency

When you want to bring in the best but don’t want to spend the long hours searching and vetting potential candidates yourself, it’s time to consider partnering with a specialized recruiter like the dedicated professionals at Morris Bixby. These industry specialists have a wealth of confidential resources and long-reaching networks to help you find top performers who would otherwise be beyond your reach.

Wondering if your company might benefit from the expertise of a specialized recruiter? Curious about current industry activity and trends? Contact Morris Bixby today to learn more about how they can help you find the best candidate for your vacancy.


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