Mobile apps are changing the way companies recruit, and in 2020 more companies will get on board. Why is mobile so important? More than two-thirds of American adults have smartphones, and nearly 50% use those phones to search for jobs. If your ag business isn’t leveraging mobile for recruiting, you could be missing out on great candidates in 2020.
How can mobile apps enhance the recruiting process for your company?
Mobile Apps Help Streamline Job Postings
If you aren’t using updated technology to manage the recruiting process, you could be wasting money. Slapping job vacancies on random job boards can lead to a deluge of unqualified candidates. Mobile apps let you customize the way job postings are distributed, with a single click. This ensures that the posting is shown to candidates who are interested in the job and who have used relevant search queries to find your posting. This can cut back on the total number of applicants while increasing the number of well-aligned applicants for a job.
Mobile Apps Help With Interview Scheduling
Back-and-forth emails and phone calls only add time to the hiring process. Using a mobile app lets you match open interview slots with a candidate’s calendar to speed up the scheduling process. Additionally, apps can be used to remind candidates of their interview time, send them directions to your building and provide them with other critical reminders. Apps can also be used to hold “face-to-face” interviews with candidates who may be out of a comfortable driving distance or those who struggle to find enough time in a workday to take off, come to your office and interview.
Tech-based solutions that ease the interview scheduling process show candidates that you are a forward-thinking company that not only embraces technology but also values their time. When creating a positive candidate experience, mobile apps can go a long way.
Mobile Apps Make HR Teams’ Lives Easier
Your HR team is probably stretched to its limit and anything you can do to make them more accurate while boosting efficiency helps them achieve more and improves their job satisfaction. Mobile apps collect and keep critical data throughout the recruiting and hiring process, which can eliminate time-consuming, manual work. Automated processes also help reduce human error when it comes to reporting critical KPIs.
Is Your Ag Business Looking To Hire?
If you are looking for more information on hiring trends in agriculture, or if you are looking to improve your hiring processes this year, contact the agriculture recruiting experts at Morris Bixby today.