Why You Should Hire for Adaptability 

Today’s corporate culture is dynamic, and the only real constant is change. Hiring for adaptability in the ag sector is critical in order to build a modern, agile team. Adaptability is important because company priorities and processes change on a dime in response to new demands or new pressures in the market. Effective employees are able to swiftly adapt to industry, market and tech changes.

Why Adaptability Matters

Employees who can adapt to change help the company stay on course and grow over time. They demonstrate qualities like:

  • The ability to stay calm under pressure.
  • Actively test new tools and techniques for improving their work.
  • Quickly find solutions when problems arise.
  • Accept new team members openly.
  • They do not resist change.
  • They do not lose their cool or their focus when a client challenge arises.
  • They willingly take on new tasks.

Employees who don’t have adaptability skills are often less productive than their colleagues and can stymie growth and innovation because they get to attached to the way things “were.” Being slow to adjust their approach to modern demands hold their team back and ultimately, holds the organization back.

How to Identify Adaptability

It can be difficult to identify adaptability until you see an employee in action. Asking the right questions and knowing what to look for during the hiring process can help you identify adaptable candidates who will add value to your team. Consider asking questions like:

  • Tell me about a time when a client changed their expectations unexpectedly. How did you handle it?
  • Have you ever worked with colleague who quit without warning? How did you handle that situation?
  • Describe a time when you were overwhelmed at work and your boss or a client dropped even more work onto your lap. How did you proceed?
  • Imagine you are behind on your daily tasks when your boss asks you for a new project that must be completed within two hours. How do you handle that situation?
  • Tell me about a time you had to learn how to use a new tool at work. How long did it take you to understand its features to use it daily?

Look for signs that candidates consider all angles before making a decision, they do not get overwhelmed or mired down under pressure, they value flexibility and do not fear change.

Why Adaptability is Beneficial

Adaptability is critical for business. Hiring temporary project managers allows you to employ talent with specialized skills and experience who will excel on specific projects. Bringing in the right talent for each project allows you to employ top talent for the period needed, ensuring your company excels.

Identifying adaptable candidates isn’t easy. If you need flexible, agile sales and marketing project managers for your team, contact the expert recruiters at Magnify Resources today.


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