Working as a remote temporary sales pro is extremely rewarding. You have flexibility, you’re exposed to new businesses and new projects, and in many ways, you get to be in control of your own career. However, remote sales project managers must always be “on.” You don’t have the luxury of slacking off or becoming complacent like traditional, permanent reps do. Use these strategies to impress your manager every time, and build a strong network of references.
Overdeliver, Every Time
Just as you likely under-promise and overdeliver to your clients, take the same approach with your boss. When setting goals, make them attainable, and then exceed them. When it comes to mundane work no one enjoys like forecasting and reporting, get your numbers in early, and whenever possible, provide more information than required.
Be Responsive
Communicate regularly with your boss. Set check-ins by phone or video chat, or send email updates to show your progress. When your boss and co-workers reach out to you, reply quickly even if it’s just to let them know you received their email or phone message and you’re working on whatever they need.
Make Connections
Integrating yourself with your co-workers as a temporary remote employee isn’t easy but making the effort is important. Try to hop on conference calls as early as possible to allow time for small talk, send individual congratulatory emails when someone lands a large contract or achieves an important milestone, and whenever possible, use the phone or video chat rather than email when working with a co-worker.
Don’t Step On Toes
Yes, you want – and need – to impress your boss, but you don’t want to get cocky or step on the toes of the permanent sales staff. Try not to sound like a know-it-all, which can alienate your team. Always be mindful that permanent staff members know more than you about the way things are done in the organization, and never contact a prospect without asking your boss if there is even the slightest indication that another rep is talking to them.
Are You Looking For Remote Sales Jobs?
If you are a sales professional in the agriculture field and you are looking for new remote sales job opportunities, the recruiters at Magnify Resources want to hear from you. We can connect you with opportunities at great organizations where you will be poised to make an impact. Submit your resume online or contact us today to learn more.