If you took a quick poll of your sales and marketing teams, most people would probably tell you that they are extremely busy. And it’s likely true. However, there is a difference between being busy and being productive, which often leads to a disconnect between management and the workforce. If you want your team to be less busy and more productive, leverage these strategies for success.
Resist the Urge to Micromanage
If you think your team isn’t producing enough, it’s easy to fall into a trap of micromanaging their tasks. However, micromanagement is counterproductive. It is nearly impossible to achieve goals when someone is standing over your shoulder. Micromanagement can also breed negative feelings. If staff members don’t feel like you trust them to do their jobs, it will make them less engaged and less likely to push themselves harder. If you want to see more from your team, give them the tools they need to succeed and the space to do their jobs.
Invest in Project Management Software
You can reduce your urge to micromanage, improve the timeliness of projects and keep everyone moving in the right direction through effective project management software. These programs assign tasks to each member of a team, who hands it off to the next person and so on down the line. Everyone can see where things stand at a glance, and they can use the software to communicate with each other, reducing the need to email. Project management software also ensures everyone is working off the most updated documents and files, preventing errors, redundancies and extra work.
Stop Holding Pointless Meetings
Meetings are a major time suck for sales and marketing teams. Yes, they are often necessary, but they also often lack a defined purpose, derail quickly and drag on longer than necessary. Every meeting should have a clear purpose and agenda, and it should be planned as early in the day as possible to avoid interrupting people when they are in the “zone.” If a meeting doesn’t have a purpose or will not move the needle forward, don’t schedule it.
Hire Productive Talent
Productivity can be contagious. When you have people on your team who can stay focused, are reliable and consistently productive, it has a way of spreading. Nobody wants to be the weakest link, and when a few people start raising the productivity bar, others will follow.
If you are looking for productive sales and marketing pros for your team, contact the agricultural industry staffing experts at Morris Bixby Group today. We can connect you with the talent you need to achieve your goals.